
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Shaver for Modern Man?

Kalo boleh jujur, sebenernya saya termasuk orang yang gitu merhatiin penampilan. Lebih-lebih klo itu menyangkut trend gaya hidup stylish *bener nggak tuh tulisannya, yang ngebikin pria-pria modern masa kini mulai pada ikutan riweuh ngurusin penampilan rambut, wajah (termasuk kumis dan janggut), bahkan gaya berbusananya. :)

Bukan karena menurut saya, itu semua nggak penting sih, cuma lebih

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Art which won a medal at a local college in Corpus Christi TX

I had a really busy week, but I think it’s better to be busy than empty. I’m a teenager and have the energy working for my future.

Chinese New Year was in last week. It is the new year in lunar calendar. That is the most important festival in China just like Christmas here. Chinese New Year is called Spring Festival in China. It can last 7 days. But the most important part is New Year’s Eve. On New Year’s Eve, families get together even they are working in different cities. Every year during that time is the peak period of railway transport. People always cook a lot of delicious food and sit on the sofa watching a live show.

Our country has a live show every Spring Festival. It’s the highlight of Spring Festival. Families stay late to hear the New Year bell ring. And this time is for dumplings, too. We have an interesting custom about New Year dumplings. The people who make dumplings for the family (I n my family, they are always my grandparents and my mom) will put clean coins in some dumplings. After the dumplings are boiled, no one knows which dumplings have coins inside. 

So people who find the dumplings with a coin inside will be considered good luck for this next year. My father can always find a lot of coins. So do I ! Sometimes we also put candies inside the new-year dumplings, which mean sweet time for the next year. Then the first 2 days of the New Year is for visiting other family members. People like to wear red clothes and set off fireworks during the Spring Festival. These customs are from the very old legend.

 It says many years ago, there was a monster called “year”. He ate people and destroyed houses in every New Year. After a well people found out that he was afraid of red color and big noise. So they started to wear red clothes and set fireworks. After that, the monster of “year” never appeared. The fifteen day of the New Year is lantern festival. At that night moon is very bright and full. Full moon means families’ reunion in Chinese culture. We have another live-show on that day which is also interesting. So, here is something about the Chinese New Year.

This past week I have 3 projects to do. I like do projects, because I can learn knowledge in an interesting way. My Anatomy and Physiology’s project is to do a presentation board about muscles. I need to take a picture of it when my teacher returns it to me. My geography project is about Africa and it is very big. It almost lasts for a month. The presentation will be in next two weeks. My theme is Egypt-Ancient and Modern. I think after all the things happened in Egypt, people are more interested in my project Gadget. My math project is easier. I spent my whole afternoon to finish it. I made a PowerPoint for it.

This past week may be in my memory forever because of my first art competition. I spent 2 weeks for my artwork. I even stay after school for 2 days to word on it. When I was painting time went very fast. I can paint for a whole afternoon and still want to paint. People always say interest is the best teacher. That’s true. I learned a lot by painting my own work. 

My host mom encouraged me to paint it the second weed since I arrived here. When I art teacher told me about the competition, I brought her my painting and decided to change it. She helped and taught me a lot. That painting also means a lot to me. I apply for this exchange student program for a long time. And last summer my dream of being here finally came true. 

Just like the flowers in my painting come out from the dark background. I feel so encouraged when I knew I got a medal today, since that is my first painting and first art competition. Thanks to my host mom and my art teacher, I find what I really enjoy. Definitely, I will paint more artworks. Being creative is my precious gift. I will keep it like my treasure for my life time.

International Experience - USA (iE - USA)

International Experience - USA (iE - USA)
International Experience - USA (iE - USA)
iE-USA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational exchange organization that was founded in 2002. We are devoted to the growth of friendship and understanding among the people of the world and believe that learning about other cultures, languages, and customs is the best way to eliminate international fears and prejudices. iE-USA is responsible for the safety and welfare of the student throughout the program. We expect the highest standards of behavior, manners and etiquette from program participants at all times and are certified by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET).

Visit our website  iE USA
Mission Statement
The promotion of education across national border lines, developing learning activities, and encouraging international understanding, goodwill, and respect for human rights among all races, Gadget and cultures.

Monday, November 19, 2012

[Upgrade] [CUSTOM ROM] [KERNEL] LG Optimus Me (P350) to Gingerbread Android 2.3.7 with GingerblurB V3

Untuk urusan Android sih sebenernya saya termasuk Froyo Lovers hahaha...

Dan klo ditanya kenapa? Jujur, karena saya nggak gitu suka User Interface yang ribet-ribet. *Mungkin klo ibarat Windows, saya masih lebih suka make Windows XP ketimbang Windows 7 atau Windows 8 hahaha...*

Apalagi setelah beberapa kali gonta-ganti ROM Un-official ke Gingerbread dan ICS, saya belum nemuin satupun

Thursday, November 15, 2012

[Upgrade] [CUSTOM ROM] [KERNEL] Samsung Galaxy Y(GT-S5360) to Jelly Bean Android 4.1.1 with JELLYBLAST Pre-Nemesis V3.5

Srak... srek... srak... srek...

Sik yo, aku tak nyaponi halaman blogku dulu. Lama nggak tak tulisi kok kaya'e makin reget ae... hahaha...

Fiuh! Kelaarrr....

Apa kabar semuaaaaa? :)

Oalah kang-kang, sampean ki nyandi ae toh? wong liyo makin dinamis, sampean kok malah makin statis *plak

Weh, mosok toh? malah nggak nyadar aku, coba bentar... tak cek dulu arsip terakhir blog ini... Weh,

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Cuma kata "Speechless" kayanya yang bisa menggambarkan ekspresi kekaguman saya pas nonton "LOMBA CIPTA LAGU POP DAERAH NUSANTARA 2012" semalem.

Dan klo ditanya seberapa keren lagu-lagu daerah yang dibawain di ajang lomba ini semalem? Jujur, klo ada kosakata yang lebih tepat untuk ngungkapin kalimat "Sangat-sangat luar biasa keren" mungkin kosakata iu yang akan saya pake untuk ngejawab